Today I just write more Go code than it should be. I just working with go framework called Typical-Go. It’s only beginning although already started a few months ago. In its process, I try to make a pattern to how to write good GoDoc, however, I think GoDoc should be flexible without restriction. So I abandon the idea but still post it here so it did not become waste.

Godoc should start with the name and following description. Here list of description example.


  • When the struct is model, description can be start with “represent”
      //  Book represent database entity of book
      type Book struct{
  • When the struct contain collection of logic, description can be start with “provide”
      // BookService provide logic/process to book entity
      type BookService struct{
  • When the struct name is single noun, description can be start with “of”
      // Context of typical application
      type Context struct{
  • Another alternative, description can be start with “is”
      // BookRepo is data repository for book entity
      type BookRepo struct{


  • When the function is constructor, description can be start with “return new instance of”
      // NewBook return new instance of book entity
      func NewBook() *Book{
  • When the function name is single verb, description can be start with the actual action
      // Setup the infrastructure
      func Setup() error{
  • When the function is setter, description can be start with “to set”
      // SetName to set name field
      func SetName(name string) {
  • When the function is getter, description can be start with “field”
      // Name field
      func Name() string{
  • Another alternative, description can be start with “to”, “for”, “execute”, “trigger”